
ChemicalFrog Terms & Conditions

By making an order with ChemicalFrog you automatically accept the Terms and Conditions outlined here. You should read this information carefully before making any purchases. The Terms and Conditions you agree to are as follows:

Age Restrictions

You must confirm that you are the person described in the Name and Shipping Address, and that you are 18 years of age or older. You undertake not to re-sell or supply these products to anyone who you believe may be less than 18 years old.

Providing false information in this regard may constitute an offence, and severely affects your rights under these T&C. In addition, we reserve the right to cancel any and all orders that we believe to be in violation of these terms.

Goods and Products

By making a purchase of a good, product or service from ChemicalFrog, you agree that those purchases are to be used only for research purposes. These include uses such as primary reagent testing, GC/MS referencing, in vitro receptor binding assays and similar or related purposes. In addition, you agree to conduct this research only in properly equipped facilities which have proper safety procedures and equipment in place.

You agree to undertake a full risk assessment of any product sold to you by ChemicalFrog, and to assess your intended use in a similar manner. You agree not to take or allow to be taken any actions which could have an increased risk of damage or harm to any person, persons or property.


By accessing the ChemicalFrog website or by purchasing goods or services from ChemicalFrog, you agree to the following terms:

  1. This site may only be accessed by people who are 18 years of age or older.
  2. ChemicalFrog was not created for the purpose of, or does it support in any way, the use of illegal chemicals or the use of chemicals in illegal ways.
  3. ChemicalFrog is in no way responsible for the actions of persons who may have purchased chemicals form this website, or who may be in possession of chemicals sourced from this website.
  4. Any information provided by this website is included for the purpose of educational, scientific or historical inquiry, and is provided on a puely informal level.
  5. This site does not condone incite or promote the use of illegal substances or the illegal use of controlled or other substances.
  6. ChemicalFrog insists that it is your responsibility to ensure that any and all products you order are legal, permitted and authorised for import and use in your country of residence or receipt. Any legality or policy information provided on this site is to be considered informal, and is not to be relied upon legally. It does not constitute advice in any way.
  7. All customers of ChemicalFrog undertake to research, know and understand the laws and policies of their country, state and locality of residence and order receipt before making any kind of purchase from ChemicalFrog.
  8. ChemicalFrog bears no responsibility whatsoever for customers who violate the laws of their jurisdictions, knowingly or unknowingly.
  9. All products and services are made available solely for the purposes of research such as primary reagent testing, GC/MS referencing, in vitro receptor binding assays and similar or related purposes.
  10. By accessing this site, making a purchase from ChemicalFrog or interacting with the company in any other way, you agree to indemnify ChemicalFrog completely against prosecution. Moreover, you accept full legal responsibility as the importer of these goods or products.
  11. You agree to undertake a full risk assessment of any product sold to you by ChemicalFrog, and to assess your intended use in a similar manner.
  12. You agree not to take or allow to be taken any actions which could have an increased risk of damage or harm to any person, persons or property.
  13. You agree to conduct this research only in properly equipped facilities which have in place proper and sufficient safety procedures and equipment.
  14. You agree and declare that you are either a chemistry student or the principle or representative of a research or chemistry institution or facility. You understand that we do not supply individuals or organisations which do not fit those descriptions.
  15. All listed information including prices is subject to change at any time, in our discretion, and without notice.

ChemicalFrog reserves the right to change any or all of these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice to you or any other customer or entity. By making an order form ChemicalFrog, you accept all of these Terms and Conditions, and accept full responsibility for any infringement or violation of them by yourself, your organisation, your employees or your own customers

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